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毕业去向:暨南大学国际能源研究院 副教授




华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,新能源科学与工程 2017-2020 博士生

华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,新能源科学与工程 2015-2017 工学硕士

华中科技大学,能源与动力工程学院,热能与动力工程 2011-2015 工学学士

2019 三好学生


室内空气净化 批量评价热泵制热/制冷性能 温湿关联热泵性能优化


2019/01~2020/12 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目

基于金属有机骨架/乙醇的吸附式制冷系统性能的高效评价 核心成员

2019/05~2020/02 研究生创新创业基金

高效太阳能热泵工质对的筛选研究 申请人与负责人

2017/05~2019/02 实验室课题

温湿关联热泵性能优化 核心成员

2016/04~2017/05 国家自然科学基金

金属有机骨架-离子液体耦合型吸附剂 负责人

2015/09~2016/12 深圳市基础研究项目

基于VOCs 净化的金属有机骨架材料筛选研究 核心成员


投递发表论文18 篇(一作11 篇),已发表12 篇,其中SCI 收录11 篇(一作7 ,

一区top 2 篇)

1. Wei Li#; Xiaoxiao Xia#; Song Li. Large-scale Evaluation of Cascaded Adsorption Heat Pumps Based on Metal/Covalent-Organic Frameworks. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019 SCI 收录)(IF=10.733

2. Wei Li; Xiaoxiao Xia; Meng Cao; Song Li. Structure-Property Relationship of Metal-Organic Frameworks for Alcohol Adsorption based Heat Pumps by High-throughput Computational Screening. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7, no. 13 (2019): 7470-7479.5%热点文章)(SCI 收录)(IF=10.733

3. Zhilu Liu#; Wei Li#; Hao Liu; Xudong Zhuang; Song Li. Research Progress of High-throughput Computational Screening of Metal-Organic Frameworks. Acta Chimica Sinica -Chinese Edition, no. 4 (2019): 323-339.SCI 收录)(IF=2.735

4. Wei Li; Song Li. CO2 Adsorption Performance of Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks of Varying Topologies by Molecular Simulations. Chemical Engineering Science 189 (2018): 65-74.SCI 收录)(IF=3.372

5. Xiaoxiao Xia; Wei Li; Song Li. On the water stability of ionic liquids/Cu-BTC composites: an experimental study. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 21, no. 2 (2019): 39.SCI 收录)(IF=2.009

6. Lei Bian#; Wei Li#; Zhenzhen Wei; Xiaowei Liu; Song Li. Formaldehyde Adsorption Performance of Selected Metal-Organic Frameworks from High-throughput Computational Screening. Acta Chimica Sinica -Chinese Edition 76, no. 4 (2018): 303-310. (封面文章)(SCI 收录)(IF=2.735

7. Wei Li; Zizhen Rao; Yongchul G. Chung; Song Li. The Role of Partial Atomic Charge Assignment Methods on the Computational Screening of Metal-Organic Frameworks for CO2 Capture under Humid Conditions. Chemistry Select 2, no. 29 (2017): 9458-9465.SCI 收录)(IF=1.716

8. Mingbing Wu; Wei Li; Song Li; Guang Feng. Capacitive performance of amino acid ionic liquid electrolyte-based supercapacitors by molecular dynamics simulation. RSC advances 7, no. 46 (2017): 28945-28950.SCI 收录)(IF=3.049

9. Xiaoxiao Xia; Meng Cao; Zhilu Liu; Wei Li; Song Li. Elucidation of Adsorption Cooling Characteristics of Zr-MOFs: Effects of Structure Property and Working Fluids. Chemical Engineering Science 204 (2019): 48-58. SCI 收录)(IF=3.372

10. Jie Gong; Wei Li; Song Li. Influence of Functional Groups and Modification Sites of Metal-Organic Frameworks on CO2/CH4 Separation: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 31, no. 1 (2018): 52-60. SCI 收录)(IF=0.791

11. Guoqing Hu; Wei Li; Song Li. Effects of functionalization on the performance of metal-organic frameworks for adsorption-driven heat pumps by molecular simulations. Chemical Engineering Science 208 (2019): 115143.SCI 收录)(IF=3.372


申请中国发明专利2 项,申请并负责研究生基金一项

1. 李松,卞磊,李炜,廖唯唯,孙悦,刘晓威,夏潇潇,冯光,魏炜,王千羽,刘昊,马匡, 基于 Cu-BTC吸附材料的空气净化过滤网及制备方法(发明专利受理号:201710263807.8),2017

2. 李松、卞磊、李炜,魏振振“一种金属有机骨架材料及制备方法与吸附甲醛的应用”(发明专利受理号:201711446955.X),2017


2018 AIChE Annual Meeting (oral presentation) Pittsburgh, USA October 31,2018

9th Sino-US Joint Conference of Chemical Engineering (oralpresentation) Beijing, China October 15, 2017

7th International Symposium on Energy (Invited talk) Manchester, UK August 13, 2017

The last one:张燕梅

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